Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005

Ensured that rejected team in transfer between human club's receives news of rejection. Fixed borderline contract decisions from players (interest wise), previously rejected, now accept. Stopped reserve players declaring their disinterest in joining their own team (contract offer screen). Ensured that managers have previous club set after sacking/resignation.

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005

Stopped Athletico Bilbao from short listing non Basque players. Fixed payments received from large monthly payments wipe out selling team's transfer budget. Fixed several issues to do with player/non_players retiring and the inability to offer them playing contracts during this phase. Fixed problem where AI teams may spend money on a player coming out of contract after that player was offered to them for small fee. Fixed problem where non human clubs are reluctant to approach players for pre-contract. Fixed problem with last club for human manager not being set properly when he resigns. Fixed a problem with decision dates for Work permits in Iceland. Ensured remaining transfer budget is not rounded up on transfer offer screen. Fixed a bug where renewing a coach's contract would forget which training schedules he was set to.

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005

Fixed a problem where the non-EU limit for Italian teams was not being updated properly after the transfer of a non EU player. Ensured you can't make changes to transfer clauses (buy back price, etc) and then immediately accept when computer team bids. Stopped own players from requesting a new contract and then when trying to offer them a contract they refuse. Stopped the ability to offer player a new contract immediately after free transferring him.

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005

Stopped non_bosman countries from using Bosman 2 ruling. Stopped news item saying player would leave on Bosman at end of current season when contract in fact expires end of the next season. Reduced chance of players making two moves in very short space of time. Stopped "is hesitant to move whilst his current club continues to help him improve his game" reason appearing for a player's own club when rejecting a contract. Adjusted ideal/min/max squad size values for clubs in Czech Republic.

Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005